Call for Sculpture

Brooker Memorial is pleased to have received a grant from the Robert R. Rosenheim Foundation for the installation of a sculpture on the Brooker property.

A committee made up of board members, community members, children, and staff are inviting proposals. To see the “Call for Proposal,” please click here.

All proposals must be accompanied by the Submission Application which describes the required elements of a submission. Click here for the form.

The deadline for proposals is March 31, 2021.

About the proposed site:
  • We think the sculpture would best be positioned midway down the elevation drop, about 2 feet below street level.
  • From the ground to the highest peak of the roof is 34 feet.
  • From the street to the building, the elevation drops about 4 feet.

Scroll down for a map of the site.

Q: What is the purpose or theme of the project?
A: We hope the sculpture will:

  1. Be visible to and appreciated by passing traffic.
  2. Be a topic of conversation.
  3. Elicit positive feelings about our organization.
  4. Serve as a landmark in Torrington.
  5. Be appreciated from all sides since it may be viewed 360 degrees.

Q: What size sculpture is desired?
A: The sculpture should:

  1. Be noticed by and easily visible to passing vehicles.
  2. Accommodate the elevation drop from the street.
  3. Fit with the building dimensions (the building is approximately 30 feet from the ground to roof peak).
  4. Be visible from the street even with the existing wrought iron fence.

Q: Who is the primary audience?
A: The general community driving by is the primary audience. We would like people passing by to connect the sculpture with our organization. For example, Person one: “My son loves going to the dentist at Brooker.” Person two: “Where is Brooker?” Person one: “It’s the building with the xxx sculpture on the front lawn.”

Q: Should the sculpture be colorful or made of a certain material?
A: We do not have a directive regarding color or style. We would like the sculpture to be maintenance-free as much as possible and to have a lifespan of many years.

Below are photos of the property and views from the points of the four-way intersection adjacent to our property. Click to see the full images.

For perspective (from across Litchfield Street):  Lisa is pictured with a promotional banner. Lisa is 5’2’ and the banner is 12 feet from the ground.

For perspective (from across Litchfield Street):  Lisa is pictured with a promotional banner. Lisa is 5’2’ and the banner is 12 feet from the ground.

For perspective (from across Litchfield Street):  Lisa is pictured with a promotional banner. Lisa is 5’2’ and the banner is 12 feet from the ground.

Entrance view #1, on the opposite side of the building from the proposed sculpture site

Entrance view #2, on the opposite side of the building from the proposed sculpture site

View marking the proposed location of the sculpture

View of the beautiful neighborhood surrounding the Brooker Memorial property

View of Brooker Memorial’s vegetable gardens

Temporary installation for a community art project showing the elevation drop toward the building

Temporary installation for a community art project featuring our Yarn Bomb

Kids posing with a temporary installation for a community art project

Proposed site plan for sculpture site

Google satellite views of 157 Litchfield Street. Click the View on Google Maps link for a full view.

POINT 1: From Prospect St. Southward – Looking Directly at Our Building:

POINT 2: From Route 202 (Litchfield Street) Eastward:

POINT 3: From Wilson Avenue Northward:

POINT 4: From Route 202 (Litchfield Street) Westward: